Charity case study
Find out how Rebasoft helped this charity get certified for cyber essentials
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Cyber security asset management
The problem
Our client is a £250 million charity, operating in over 30 countries. Due to increasing cyber attacks against charities in 2020, the senior leadership decided to sponsor a security project – part of which would involve getting certified for Cyber Essentials (CE) Plus. The Information Service Manager (ISM) came to us for help.
The ISM had very little visibility of their network and infrasturcture – their firewalls and server management were outsourced and network and wi-fi were cloud managed. As a result, they had no direct access to logs, real-time alerts, or comprehensive reporting.
The Covid-19 pandemic also presented a problem: no one could go to the site during POC.
Due to project deadlines, they needed quick results.
Rebasoft approach
Within an hour, Rebasoft was deployed on a Hyper-V server. Rebasoft collected network data from the existing Cisco Meraki cloud, configurations from the firewalls directly and endpoint data from PowerShell – putting it in the hands of the ISM. This gave them the network and endpoint information they needed to enable compliance.
Deployment was handled remotely to comply with social distancing restrictions.
Rebasoft delivered fast results, deployment is quick and there’s no need to install software agents. This allowed them to complete the project and get certified for cyber essentials well within their deadline.