Network Access Control

Remove suspicious or unwanted devices from the network.

See everything

Cyber security asset management

Rebasoft provides NAC features

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No agents/ supplicant needed

You can deploy it easier, it’s compatible with more devices and you can save money from expensive licence fees.

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No mac authorisation needed

Onboarding new devices is much easier and security is improved as mac addresses can easily be spoofed.

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Easily tied to the network

Rebasoft leverages your existing infrastructure, offering cost savings, an easy deployment, compatibility and scalability.

Ready to see what’s really on your network?

The Rebasoft Security Platform

Three core solutions, one unified platform


Cyber security asset management

  • Asset discovery & inventory
  • Criticality & prioritisation
  • Device details


Policy compliance

  • Secure configuration
  • Network perimeter security
  • Malware coverage


Real-time security

  • Vulnerability management
  • Network access control
  • Behaviour monitoring