Fighting Ransomware

Prevent and prepare for an attack

See everything

Cyber security asset management

Ransomware isn’t going away

Unstable political conditions, increased sophistication of attacks and a reliance on new, rapidly evolving technology have created conditions ripe for ransomware. You’ve probably seen the headlines.

These are the problems we hear

To properly fight ransomware, you need to build a forward thinking cyber strategy involving every area of business, security staff should be included in business decisons. But organisations are struggling with disparate, expensive tools and staff shortages.

1. Isolated security programs

Jumping between programs just to do simple tasks

2. Lack of visibility

Unmanaged devices leave gaps in what you can see and in your security

3. Poor security strategy

Your IT team are overstetched, too busy with day-to-day tasks

Rebasoft can help

While Rebasoft alone is by no means a “silver bullet” for ransomware, it does provide some key functions, such as asset discovery & management, secure configuration and vulnerability management that allow you to implement a best practice approach to fighting ransomware.

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Full visibility

Rebasoft is an agentless solution so you can find any unmanaged devices.

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No jumping between seperate programs, all features of Rebasoft are fully integrated.

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Save money from unnecessary software and increase efficiency and save time by working from a single program.

Ready to see what’s really on your network?

The Rebasoft Security Platform

Three core solutions, one unified platform

Asset discovery & management


  • Asset discovery & inventory
  • Criticality & prioritisation
  • Device details

Secure configuration


  • Secure configuration
  • Network perimeter security
  • Malware coverage

Vulnerability management


  • Vulnerability management
  • Network access control
  • Behaviour monitoring