See everything.
Secure everything.
Defend everything.

Identify every IT asset and vulnerability across your IT estate, reduce cost and complexity in a single unified platform.

Cyber-attacks are on the rise. With increased regulation, cyber-security standard compliance and insurance companies tightening their wallets, it’s up to you to protect your business.

You don’t need more tools.
You need better tools

Businesses face rising costs and staff shortages – yet the threat landscape is increasing. So you need more tools to deal with new threats but you have less staff and money. The fact is, current cybersecurity tools simply don’t allow you to protect yourself anymore.

What’s going wrong?

Solutions are silo’d.

It’s just too much for your staff to learn and manage a dozen disparate solutions.

There is no single source of truth.

Traditional methods for asset discovery offer incomplete, stale data, misaligned across a dozen programs.

Network growth

More devices, different types of devices, new software, new users. The ladder is always growing, and it’s growing faster than you can climb it.

We aim to solve these problems

Rebasoft provides unparalleled, real-time visibility into your IT estate through our unique network based monitoring. You can see every digital IT asset, their configurations and their vulnerabilities.


Rebasoft handles tasks that usually require multiple solutions, so you need fewer of them, saving you time and money.

Source of truth

We don’t aggregate other programs’ data, we don’t serve it stale. It’s all fresh, native, agentless discovery.


Rebasoft doesn’t care about the size of your network, it doesn’t care what types of endpoints you have, it can find everything, seamlessly, agentlessly.

The Rebasoft Security Platform

Three core solutions, one unified platform

Asset discovery & management


  • Asset discovery & inventory
  • Criticality & prioritisation
  • Device details

Secure configuration


  • Secure configuration
  • Network perimeter security
  • Malware coverage

Vulnerability management


  • Vulnerability management
  • Network access control
  • Behaviour monitoring

“With Rebasoft I can now see all my network attached devices – in one system – and validate them for compliance purposes”

CISO, Charity

With Rebasoft we were able to become more effective with fewer systems to operate and use. This meant saved time & reduction in errors.

Network Manager, School

If you have a number of alerts being triggered in 10 different systems it is quite hard to track it through to conclusion. One system allows us to easily drill through and rapidly resolve it.”

Ready to see what’s really on your network?